Michal Sela Forum & Eios Jewelry Collaboration
About Michal Sela Forum:
The Michal Sela Forum is a nonprofit organization for preventing violence by the use of technology solutions and outside-the-box thinking along with an emphasis on broad public responsibility and awareness for identifying the red flags of domestic violence - Innovative technological ventures, in emergencies and in advance; Life-saving ventures, had they existed, Michal would have been alive today.
Michal Sela was brutally murdered in her home on October 3, 2019, only 32 years old. Her husband and the father of her daughter is accused of the murder.
In Israel, around 20 women are murdered each year as a result of domestic violence.
The Forum was founded by Michal's sister Lily Ben-Ami.
The collaboration
As we come to celebrate International Women's day and acknowledge Women's History Month, we look back and see that even in 2021there is a lot to achieve for women's rights and safety.
This year in March we also celebrate 2 meaningful celebration. The first, The FIRST DAY OF SPRING, which always brings a sense on renewed energy, blossom and growth. The second, PASSOVER. Jewish holiday that represents freedom, power, community as one nation. The reason we celebrate this holiday is to tell our story from the time we've been slaves in Egypt to our freedom and the beginning of our journey to the holy land, we go back to this to remember all the wrong doing, and the bad times.
With all these things in Mind-I decided to collaborate with Michal Sela Forum, and DONATE 10% OF ALL SALES through March.
From Every order you make you also donate to an important cause.
not just you will be getting our high quality products, you can enjoy but you will also help us to be strong, save lives and make a difference.
Thank you,
The text about the organization was taken from its website- If you wish to read more about Michal Sela Forum please click here.